I need a proof of usage because my phone is broken
I need a proof of usage because my phone is broken so I apply a claim i need a submit to proof of usage
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I need a proof of usage because my phone is broken so I apply a claim i need a submit to proof of usage
I want to remove my previous ongoing plan with the new one but they give a notification that i am not allowed to use two data packages at one time... In Short, now i need to remove my previous plan to add the new one..
what is the direct contact for the fraud team as they need to close this fraudulent account setup in my name ASAP so my credit score doesn't get damaged by the unpaid bills.i dont want a general customer service number, i need to speak to someone wit...
HelloI need to access my 3 mobile account using my number and verification text but my sim was stolen and I need to order and replace. Please help me login without it. M
Hi! I want to changed may email address because I accidentally put a wrong email adress.
I am trying to reregister my account. I've tried this via the app and on a browser. When I try to do, I am eventually asked for my phone number, which I input correctly. I am then faced with the error message: "This number doesn't match our records. ...
I received a message about due payment. I am confused about this
I am on Pay as you Go, and I am receiving inaccurate messages on my data allowance. For example:- Hi, don't forget your Data Pack ends in two days (received this 12 days before it was ending)- Hi, your last Data Pack ended three days ago (received th...
When I took out my Three Business account I was not VAT registered so did not provide a VAT number. I was sure the necessary forms included VAT information.Recently I became VAT registered. I contacted Three support to provide my VAT number so my inv...
People be careful they charge you for pictures messages ok
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