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3 app. What a joke.

I didn't chose to upgrade this year, due to the utter stupid upgrade prices so instead opted for a new contract, still on 3. (Was half the price of the upgrade I was offered)Now I want to add the new number to the my3 app, BUT that's where the issue ...

Jayman by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Best solution Malware on SIM

I suffered a cyber attack on my iPhone and my desktop computer. I eventually traced the problem with my phone at least to malware that was hiding on my 3 SIM card. So I have removed the card. What should I do now? I had about £40 - £45 in my 3 accoun...

S24 recycle offer

Has anyone just had an s24 from 3 and recycled their old phone to claim the 240 pounds extra trade in .if so how. I went on 3 recycle and it just offered me 83 pounds for my s21 .how do I claim the 240 extra Thanks

Proof of usage

I requested a proof of usage 20 days back every time I contacted three customer support through online the agent asking me to wait for 5 days we raised your query so is it continuous loop to wait for 5 days every time you contacted a customer service...

Best solution Aaaand I've still got Top-Up Issues

Note that this is a follow up to this issue I posted about a while ago so if you aren't sure what I'm on about here then read that post first.Yeah so- As it turns out: I've still got the exact same issue. And it's actually had a massive knock-effect ...

So many issues with router returns, what gives?

This has been an exhausting process...- I canceled my three broadband giving appropriate notice, the last day of my contract was to be on the 31st of December. I thankfully received my jiffy bag to return my router, rather promptly. Unlike some other...

Sim replacement

Is three down as it said it was doing maintenance ages ago and now the site won’t load. Need to replace my rain on my3 but can’t log in. This is very bad as I can’t sign in to any emails or make/receive calls to bank or people

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