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Query note

I have made query with three about my complaint, three escalate my case and I just got email that's says there is an update on my query, I can see there is new note in my query from three but I can't open it, can anyone let me know how I can open it?...

Viren by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Issue accessing my mobile broadband account.

Hi,   I have recently purchased a 5G mobile broadband hub from three and when I try and log into my account the website says it has sent a text to a number with a pin.   I don't recognise that number and of course I don't have a three mobile number a...

Logging in

My wife, Julie , passed away on 10 August 2024, account number 9******** when I attempt to login to my account 1******, I STILL get the message, "Hello JULIE *****" Account 9******   John B**** 07*****

jhb by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Wrong default credit report under a different name!

Three reported a default on my credit report under a different name which i didn't know until today because i am applying for a mortage. You basically destroyed my Equifax Credit score and no liability? I need this fixed now! What kind of joke is thi...

Madziaer by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Roaming Does Not Work - 3 Mobile Support Unhelpful

While roaming in Greece, a go-roam location, my partner and I (both with Three) were unable to use our roaming data allowances. As best I can tell, this is related to the Auto-Renew 5Gb bonus as it shows 0kb roaming available.I have been unable to ge...

Annoyed1 by Fledgling
  • 0 replies


Hello this morning I received a call from someone he told me that he received a call from my number I said no I didn’t called you he said then someone is using your phone number to scheme people there any one to help me thank you 

Atefi by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

iPhone 16 Plus Delayed again 😤

I guess I’m not the only one in saying how disappoint in receiving the text from 3 last night saying, that my devices (iPhone 16 Plus and Apple Watch Series 10) has been delayed to the end of the month! Initially I was promised that I would receive t...

Roaming to Reunion not working

I currently pay 21£ for a plan including 28 days go roam. Iam currently traveling to Reunion to care for a sick relative. Since my arrival the roaming is not working. I trqvelled through France to reach n'y destination and the roaming did worked in p...

StevenG by Fledgling
  • 1 replies


I have been having a problem. When checking to see when my data package ran out I found my credit had gone from £4.62 to £1.33 (since then it has gone down to £0.98) Are ThreeUK resorting to stealing from Pay As You Go customers or are there new char...

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