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Have a Pay As You Go question? Read this first

There are 2 different plans on Pay As You Go. The Pay As You Go plan has been available since 7 July 2013, and the New Pay As You Go plan was launched on 12 March 2020. Each plan has a separate app and support options may differ slightly.   To avoid ...

StephR by Employee
  • 0 replies


Hi, I received calls from what appeared to be from three online promotions.........SCAM.....they use numbers like 0204 5064838  or 0203 9713038. emailing from info@threeupgradation.sound so convincing, no upgrade delivered and £30.00 taken from my ba...

Geordie by Fledgling
  • 3 replies

Payment Taken Twice

Hello three has took 2 payments from me this month i paid  through the app on the 18th of january they took another payment on the 22Th i have contacted them and they said i had to wait a few days it has been over a week and a half and still not refu...

Issues accessing Three rewards

I’m an existing customer but I’m not able to access my three + rewards account.  I forgot my password and tried to reset but I get an error message “unauthorised number”.  I’ve tried contacting Customer Services multiple times - is someone able to he...

kath5467 by Fledgling
  • 4 replies

Three - reuse email address on another account

I ported my number out of Three today as got a better deal elsewhere, was wondering does the entire account get closed, so what I am trying to get at is will I be able to use the email address on another account in the future.I ask this as I cannot u...

Best solution Unable to register / log in using old email address

I have recently return to three but was unable to re-register or log in using my old email addressWhen I tried to login in, it will state that your account is closed.When I tired to re-register, it will say someone is already using the same details r...

Thanatos by Fledgling
  • 5 replies

3 app. What a joke.

I didn't chose to upgrade this year, due to the utter stupid upgrade prices so instead opted for a new contract, still on 3. (Was half the price of the upgrade I was offered)Now I want to add the new number to the my3 app, BUT that's where the issue ...

Jayman by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Best solution Malware on SIM

I suffered a cyber attack on my iPhone and my desktop computer. I eventually traced the problem with my phone at least to malware that was hiding on my 3 SIM card. So I have removed the card. What should I do now? I had about £40 - £45 in my 3 accoun...

S24 recycle offer

Has anyone just had an s24 from 3 and recycled their old phone to claim the 240 pounds extra trade in .if so how. I went on 3 recycle and it just offered me 83 pounds for my s21 .how do I claim the 240 extra Thanks

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