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Unable to see details for second sim

Hi, I have a three sim on my phone and have created the account in the new three-account format. This means that this is now attached to my email address. I have a second SIM on my tablet but cannot see the usage as I can't add this SIM to my account...

Tariff changed with no notice or agreement

For more than 5 years I've had a Data Reward SIM and have been enjoying the 3-2-1 tariff with a free 200MB of data per month. . .as detailed here Data Reward Sim.I made a call yesterday to a landline number for 2 minutes and was shocked to be charged...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Three+ Device Compatibility

I have an iPhone 7 and iPhone 8, none of them are compatible to update the Three+ app to get my rewards. What else can I do to get my rewards? Thanks, Jon

jla06 by Fledgling
  • 3 replies

Best solution Smartwatch Pairing: I'm very, very confused

I'm trying to understand Smartwatch Pairing and 3's e-sim service for Apple Watches.Basically, I have a 3 phone contract. I'm planning on getting an Apple Watch with a data connection (not from 3, but direct from Apple). How do I get an e-sim from 3 ...

dartiss by Fledgling
  • 12 replies
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