I’ve got about 3 accounts in the household all come under H3G checked recently and there’s a fourth under H3GD P anyone know that that could be.
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I’ve got about 3 accounts in the household all come under H3G checked recently and there’s a fourth under H3GD P anyone know that that could be.
Hey so i recently bought 120 gb sim plan and thought it will be enough but it isn’t so i want to upgrade from 120 to unlimited. Is there any way i can get it done ,because on website it shows i have to pay fees of 325 pounds .please helpppppp
Currently closing the online bank I used for my direct debit. Moved everything over to another bank but completely forgot about my phone. Direct debit was due on 02/05/24, but bounced. Paid balance in full on 07/05/2024 once I realised. Will this be ...
How do I switch my PAYG to a contract using the same sim or number
Looking to ring bank in UK from ireland They have a free number if ring from UKCalls from abroad go to an 0203 number What to know what the charge is on my mobile for such a call
Impossible to speak to anyone on three phone line
Unable to register second or third sim card. When I go on to the account I do have and try to add another number, just takes me to log in
I’m trying to find out if the roaming EU covers Montenegro Mod note: Title edited to be more specific to the question
Is there any way to see bills from longer than a year ago
I was tring to reset the password and I was successful doing that but while I was trying the new password it ended in being blocked
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