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Have a Pay As You Go question? Read this first

There are 2 different plans on Pay As You Go. The Pay As You Go plan has been available since 7 July 2013, and the New Pay As You Go plan was launched on 12 March 2020. Each plan has a separate app and support options may differ slightly.   To avoid ...

StephR by Employee
  • 0 replies

Premium texts

I cannot text premium numbers ie competition lines. When I text it comes up with a ! inside a orange circle  and says resend, delete, or edit and it does this every time. I have no spend cap on my account also I can text ordinary numbers. I have con...

Grover77 by Fledgling
  • 4 replies

Re-registering multiple devices on the App

I have an iPhone, an iPad, and 2 MiFi devices all on Three. All associated with the same email address. They were all happily on the App accessible with thumb print. Then Three decided to “improve” the App and everyone everywhere has to re-register! ...

4G+ MiFi

I recently purchased a 3 4g+ MiFi Router and all seems fine.The difficulty I have is with the Huawei AI Life app because I just can't seem to get it to work.It picks up the device no problem at all login all goes fine and then you get the splash scre...

Laguna8 by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Transfer of Ownership and new phone doesn't work

I recently upgraded 3 mobiles that I currently pay for (for myself and my 2 children). The cost is not insignificant and I have been a customer of 3 for over 20 years. My daughter has recently graduated and we want to transfer ownership and responsib...


I am now on week 5 of trying to return my 5g hub..been on the phone 7 hrs please in total.inbetween this I’ve lost my mum so the added stress this appalling scenario has caused has mentaly nearly finish me off.” Mr Clark a bag  will be with you withi...

DCc by Regular
  • 3 replies

Old customer - finally on eSIM

Hi all, just to update you that I’ve managed to request an eSIM today and I am finally running on eSIM (instead of plastic SIM). I was an old customer and had to wait until my number has been transferred to the new system which happened today. Straig...

Peter_L by Active
  • 9 replies

New customer

I have recently just started a contract with Three and I used a PAC code but could I cancel using this code and just have my number instead?

I can’t cancel my contract

HiyaI have called 3 about cancelling my contract and they asked me some security questions and I answered them but they asked me for my post code and I gave them the post code I currently am. But, they said it was wrong. I was very confused because t...

Jen_73 by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Cannot re register

I’m due to upgrade today but I cannot re register my three since it’s been updated. I choose a password and enter in the email I use for my contract and it just asks me to check my details. Can anyone help? I’ve tried it on the browser and the app an...


Hi there,I'm in my last month with three, and I can't wait to finish with this company.I request for the PAC code and in my app is telling me that I will need to pay my last month payment (around £16.72 - my monthly contract) + cancellation fees: £8....

va7entin by Fledgling
  • 1 replies
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