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Inept CS need capable support - porting messed up

I am a new customer to Thee, my number was set to port from EE. This has gone seriously wrong and the web chat has failed to resolve. multiple phone calls and 7+ web chats and they just don't get the problem. I have been left with both numbers but un...

Cannot login to my three app

Hi @ThreeUKSupport . Almost 2 weeks now with Three and still cant login to my account. All your call centre staff could tell me was "try again in a few days time". Many more than a few days has now passed and still no joy. Can you help? I just get th...

DCCop by Regular
  • 15 replies

My3 app doesnt work

HiWhenever I try to log in on the Three Website or the App. I receive the following error: Something went wrongWe can’t load part or all of the information right now, please try again or contact helpdesk.Try again | Back to homeerrorUid: 522b42a4-076...

HelpMe by Regular
  • 1 replies

Cannot Log in to Account

I've been having the same issue for a week. I can't login from any point of access I have, different browsers, devices, apps, or IP addresses. I'm going round in circles with customer support and need to get into my account to change my payment detai...

agahno by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Can't log in, ever, from any browser

I'm a new customer, as of last week.Any time I try to log in to view my account, I get this:"Something went wrong. We can’t load part or all of the information right now, please try again or contact helpdesk" I've tried logging in from:Chrome on MacC...

taras by Regular
  • 8 replies

Upgrade problems

Anyone having problems receiving the e-sign email when upgrading.I have tried to upgrade 5 times, yes 5 times!!! over chat and on the phone everything goes through fine, they say the e-sign can take 72hours to come through but still nothing.I have sp...

Can't turn off 5g broadband adult filter

I can't turn off my adult filter because the local 3 store won't accept my ID and I don't own or want a credit card.Why isn't there just a button for it? Like, y'know, every other broadband provider?I completed the credit-check to GET the broadband, ...

SkyGreen by Fledgling
  • 3 replies

Cannot log in to my3

I cannot sign into my3 to manage my account using either PC, Phone (web page) or with the app. The following message keeps appearing "We can’t load part or all of the information right now, please try again or contact helpdesk". I've tried phone call...

roofoz by Fledgling
  • 1 replies
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