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I think my plan was expired yesterday.I want further information about it 

Jagrut by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Unlimited plan?

I have 2 numbers. One used by me, another by my wife.What's the cheapest unlimited plan?

Raph by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Roaming charges

3 want to change my plan (pre October 2021), so they can make a daily charge for overseas roaming. Customer service in this issue is USELESS!!What “benefits” do 3 offer their loyal customers? NONE!!

My poor old phone needs replacing

I’ve been with 3 for about 17/18 years, I’m using a mobile that is older than my grandson and he is 9 haha, I chose a sim only a few months ago until I was in a position to upgrade the phone, I was told I could after 3/6 months, now I’m being told I ...

Three App for IPad ?

The new my3 App is great on phones - but not for iPad ( what can we not have horizontal view - & sized for ipad ) but also - trying to select ‘upgrade plan’ pushing the graphics off the screen to the right - so not usable ‍….Any plans to fix this ?

Combine bills

Can anyone tell me if you can combine to bills as they are both in my name but it’s my sons one and mine ? Thank you 

Reb1974 by Regular
  • 3 replies

Problem with 2 level authentication

Someone else must have this problem! The only bit of 3 equipment I have is a MiFi device (Mobile Internet) which is sat in my caravan (60 miles away from me at the moment but that is irrelevant). For the past year or so logging into my account to vie...

Fred by Fledgling
  • 2 replies


Hello. I was due to pay my bill this month. But I am not able to pay it until the 8th of July due to family emergency my money has had to go elsewhere this month. Am I able to keep my services on please and pay it then? 

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