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What number shows when three UK calls

What number shows when three calls? I've recently been scammed by someone pretending to be three but when three need to contact me I'm now nervous to deal with them as when they call how do I actually know it's them the calls are coming through as th...


There was two payments taken from my account last night, I need a refund!!!

Hanad by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Delivery payment not going through due to fraud?

I’ve been trying to get an early upgrade for a few days now. Everything has gone fine until it comes to having to make a payment of £4.99 to get my new phone delivered. Every time I try to make the payment, it’s declined due to fraud protocol or some...

Trade in payment

Hi I traded in my old phone ref 6366911 for £111 please can you put this amount into my bank account  instead of using it for my new plan thanks IanDavie


I have a monthly 4 G contract .I've had notification that I am about to exceed my allowance. How can I extend this just for this month pls

sup by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Account/upgrade issues

I have two numbers registered to one account. However, since the recent app/website changes, I can only see details for one of the numbers. I received a message on the second number to say I was due an upgrade. I ordered the upgrade online, but it ap...

GDPR issues

Hi Three team,Yesterday, I rang up Three and requested to transfer my mobile number to my son.  Your colleague said that it was not possible.  Instead, he said that I can add my son's name in the account.  I gave him my son's name, date of birth, add...

pmak by Fledgling
  • 1 replies


I bought a 10 top-up voucher on three but not on three can I get money bk or exchange for different top-up voucher 

Best solution Problems registering My3 Account

I had a Three 12 month contract from December 22 to Nov 23 for which I registered for My3 on the website.  The account is still accessible (I used it to register for the Three community).  The Account shows "No active lines were found", which is corr...

Two phone numbers in the app

Hello. I have two phone numbers from you, but there is no way I can register with one number to the app. Because my contracts are with the same email address. How can I register a second phone number so that I can see in the app.

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