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Best solution Direct Debit not taken

My direct debit was not collected this month despite there being no changes being made to this. I have not changed bank accounts and when I have checked the direct debit set up on here, the account details are correct. Does anyone know why this is? I...

Terrible new 3app

Used to be able to log into 3 app on both my iPhone and IPad  which are separate numbers, but now only recognises my iPhone number when I’m trying to log into my iPad, therefor only able to see my usage for iPhone and not iPad. 

Ag67 by Fledgling
  • 12 replies


I want to make a Complain to Edinburgh fort kinnaird store customer service.

Addis by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

Proof of usage

Hi my phones wallet and personal belongings was stolen on 18th may 2023.i chat with 3 on 22nd and was told it will be blacklisted in 47 hours. From that moment im going through hell with advisors, supervisors and management in India Three call centre...

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