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Missing SIM & No Response from Customer Servive

I found that my SIM was missing today. It caused me a LOT of panic because it’s the number associated with so many of my accounts including banking and vital for most of my 2-factor verification. Anyhow, obviously I’ve been unable to log into my acco...

DaniM85 by Fledgling
  • 2 replies


I cannot afford to pay my Bill, but I did make a payment of £20.00 yesterday, I can pay another installment of payment on Friday, when I get paid, but I cannot even receive incoming calls, as I have been completely city off! I do apologise. But I wil...

Cannot login to my3 app

Wonder if anyone can help, I cannot login to the my three app on mobile or by pc, I have contacted customer services three times now and not getting antwhere, I have reset the password multiple times and every time the app or website says oops were s...

daca by Fledgling
  • 14 replies

Can't login and can't get support

I registered a new sim last night and created my account and now I can't login. I've reset my password multiple times and I know I am using the correct details, but I get an error saying Oops those details aren't right (or something). I can't get sup...

My 3 app

Just joined 3 and can’t seem to access the app as saying password is wrong and then get numerous security alerts about my account tried reset , customer service everything and still can’t gain access also asking me to register which I did at start an...

Bee by Fledgling
  • 2 replies

Cannot download the new 3 app to my ipad.

I have 3 pay as you go on an iPad running on its latest iOS 12.5.6. The 3 website offers to download the last compatible version of the app, but when I click on yes to download it just reverts to the same message.

Chico by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

100gb to unlimited

Hi I recently took out a new contract on a s22+;for my daughter when I was talking to live chat I said I want the same unlimited data plan she is already on but the person selling me the phone persuaded me to go for 100gb I wasn't happy at the time a...

iangilf by Fledgling
  • 1 replies

My contract

Hi i need help i’m not sure wether my contract has been cancelled but i need to somehow make it re-work with the same number 

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